Union Point Downtown Development Authority and Better Hometown Program (UPDDA)

Ticket Information

Cost for this wonderful tour is:

In Advance: $15.00

Day of the Tour: $20.00

Tickets maybe ordered by mail by printing the form below and returning it with check to:

Union Point Better Hometown,

P.O. Box 233

Union Point, GA 30669

Locally tickets maybe purchased from:

  • Greene County Chamber of Commerce
  • Greensboro Florist
  • Union Point Better Hometown Office (City Hall)
  • Rhodes' Sports Corner, Union Point


Order Blank for Union Point in Bloom Tour 




Phone _____________ Email________________________

   Number of Tour Tickets______@ $15.00=________

   Number of Lunch Tickets _____@ $10.00=________

                                 Total Enclosed=_________

Make checks payable to: Union Point Better Hometown

Confirmation of receipt will be sent via email and the tickets, tour borchure and map may be picked up the day of the tour at Tour Headquarters, Union Theatre, 101 Fluker St,, Union Point, GA 30669